Monday, May 6, 2013

Filoli...Fight. Love. Live.

My husband and I took a trip to the beautiful Filoli Estate.  The name comes from this credo:

Fight for a just cause; Love your fellow man; Live a good life.” 

Agreed, and what a beautiful sentiment.  You aren't allowed to picnic or galavant on the grounds despite some little ones' best efforts.  Since I happen to be a Secret Garden fan, I think that gardens should be for everyone, especially children; so it seems a shame.  Still, it's worth the trip.  Irises, lilacs, peonies, cherry blossoms...the list goes on and on.

It's located off Highway 280, exit Edgewood Road.  We were there just in time for the wisteria to be in full bloom all over the property.  You can stroll through magical gardens of every size and shape.  You might even catch a glimpse of a peacock like we did.