Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Block Printing

I have always wanted to try block printing but always decided that I couldn't draw well enough to create my own design for the stamp.  So after hemming and hawing about it, I decided to throw caution to the wind and give it a try.  I watched a tutorial on Geninne's Art Blog as well as this tutorial on MarthaStewart.com to prepare. I ventured to University Art in Palo Alto (If you haven't been, you must go...every art supply known to man!) and bought a Speed Ball Block Printing Kit (Michael's didn't have any carving blocks) as well as a very soft carving block called the Speedy Cut Block.  This is my first go so soft and easy cutting/carving sounded like a good idea.  ;)  The design I settled on was a feather/leaflike pattern inspired by Geninne's feather in her tutorial.  I started by just drawing directly onto my block and found a light touch is definitely required.  I tried the stamp with the edges and without...just for fun.  I think it turned out pretty well.  I think I should create a textile of sorts and then a pillow.  Will keep you posted.  Would love to hear any tips and tricks you have!

1 comment:

  1. Really love it. So interesting to watch your exploration and your journey.
