Thursday, March 14, 2013

Woodworking Class

So I missed wood shop in school, and confession, as a kid, I dreamt about building furniture.  I am also the sort of person to walk into CB2 (which I totally love, by the way) and say, "Wow, how beautiful.  I could totally make that."  I do this with clothing as well.  Though, as of yet, I have no proof I could actually make a table or dress that I saw in a store somewhere.  I simply make vision boards of the furniture, clothing, and decor I would like to make and buy fabric and a dressform and...well, you get the idea... and then, nothing.  Until now.    

Which brings me to my decision to take woodworking and furniture design at Santa Clara University.

First, if you haven't read Ariele Alasko's blog Brooklyn to West, you must! She is a woodworker, designer, artist extraordinaire who uses wood from old, abandoned places in Brooklyn to construct beautiful tables and artwork.  She also designed and built the restaurant Il Vecchio with flea market finds and reclaimed wood.  Extraordinary work!  

Second, Ariele's blog reignited for me the latent construction ideas I had percolating as a kid.

Third, I recently moved to the Bay area with my beautiful husband and decided to take classes to investigate this new neighborhood.  How else am I going to get to know this new world I live in?

Oh, and finally, there's one more tiny detail that spurred this decision.  I gave up the career I have been pursuing for the last 10 years or acting career.  So, to say the least, there's a rather large hole where acting used to be.  So, here I am blogging, woodworking (among many other things), and finding so much beauty here.

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